Monday, February 25, 2008

Weekend Shenanigans!

Wow, a lot to talk about!

First thing's first: Friday night gaming! But then, even before the game started, Mike, Liza, Billy and I started talking about Gulf Wars. They're coming down to camp with me, and had many questions as to what to bring, what to wear, and how much of everything to bring. It's gonna be a great time!
Whilst always being one of the most anticipated events of the entire week for me, I must admit that it has always had the potential for serious detriment to my health. This last Friday, after the game proper, Billy, Mike, Liza, Hutch and I started playing video games...and did not stop until 8 Saturday morning!

After we finally beat the game and Billy kicked us out, I figured I would go over to the Johnson's early and crash there until the game party that night. I slept for about six hours, and then Billy called me wanting to know if I wanted to go get dinner, which I did. We went to Ryu's Sushi Bar, had a good time, stopped by the comic book store, and I finally left him to go back to the Johnson's. And if it hadn't been for the game, we would have had a great time! After our loss, we were still talking about this and that, and we enjoyed each other's company.

Sunday was the first archery shoot of the year! Ironically, today is bright, sunny, warm, and everything I wish yesterday had been to shoot, but no, yesterday was overcast, cold, and wet. The good news is that Dad and I shot well enough for our own satisfaction.
After the shoot, I called Billy, and got together with him, Chris and Hutch and played Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 for a while until I left to go see Dave, K.C. and Josh and play Halo with them! I love all the friends I have!

By the way...has anyone seen a vagrant iPod? I'm fairly sure I left it somewhere at the Johnson's, though it may also be at Billy's or even the place where I teach taekwondo. THe absence of music is killing me! HELP!

1 comment:

firebirdsinger said...

Best picture yet!
Haven't seen your ipod, lovey, sorry. I'll keep my eyes open for it.