Monday, June 30, 2008

A brief update on LOVE!

Hi, everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting. Out here, I have extremely limited access to the Internet, so I wasn't able to post anything last night or the night before, so here it is.

Hey hey, my first nonstop flight! It was quite a blessing, and went quite well. My lady met me at the airport around 3, local time, and after the ecstatic reunion, we got down to business of unloading my stuff. I'm staying at her father's house this time. I don't remember much of the first day.

Yesterday was packed! Lanelle and I went to meet with friends at the Renn Faire! It's just fun wandering around watching people and listening to music. We did get to see one of the jousts, and it was fun, even if it was choreographed and mildly hokey. After the Faire, we came home, got showers and changed to go swing dancing! Lanelle's dad went with us, so I kept him company while Lanelle danced more than him and me combined. We were all whipped by the time the dance was over.

Today was slower and more relaxed. Lanelle's dad, her young brother Aven and I threw axes and knives a lot and we started messing around with our bows too. There were also card games galore, and we went to see Kung Fu Panda.

Don't know what we have planned for tomorrow, but you can bet I'll love it just because I'm here with her! Keep watching!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Reflections on Movies

Wow, this is going to be a random short post that I should probably go deeper into later. For now, though, bear with me.

Been seeing a lot of movies! We'll start with Get Smart. I never saw the original series, so I have nothing to compare it to, but even by itself, it's a wonderful movie! Lots of fun, cool gadgets, and good lessons too, like learning that even bad guys are people too, and learning to love yourself for who you are.

Now there are two movies I saw recently that actually have a common subject matter, even though it doesn't look that way. The one I saw earlier tonight was The Incredible Hulk. Again, I never saw the first version, which everyone said was absolutely horribe, so I don't have too much to compare it to. But again, by itself, it's one great ride! This one talks more about priorities and the consequences of actions more than anything else.

Now the last one was my favorite! Kung Fu Panda! This is one of those classic "there's a little hero in all of us" type thing, with a lot of great humor mixed in! (Hee hee! If you don't plan on seeing the movie, ask me about "Skadoosh!") I loved it! The few things I disagreed with were the undertones of Buddhist thinking; specifically, the ideas of fate and looking within yourself to find unlimited power. This is the subject matter that is shared with The Hulk: power.

The physical strength of The Hulk comes from a scientific experiment gone wrong. It's very scientific, delving into biology, radiation and chemistry. In Kung Fu Panda, the key to limitless power lies within oneself.

I believe that humans are born flawed and imperfect. No one has to teach us how to lie. The Bible speaks endlessly on the human conditions of sin and mortality. As beings that are fallen, humans are therefore incapable of attaining perfection.

I believe that true power comes from Christ alone, He who is perfect, pure, and incorruptible.

So yeah, like I said, that's my point, and I should probably go deeper into it, but I'm tired tonight, so this is what you get.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

More Role Models

You know, I made what I thought was a really mature decision a couple weeks ago. I told myself to just quit worrying about being a squire and fight. Just keep going to fighter practice, learn from all sorts of people, and start entering tournaments so that I get not only the experience, but also the exposure to so many different people, fighters, and fighting styles. Good thing, too!

This past Wednesday, I went to fighter practice, and that wasn't so bad. Experimented with a different style of shield (center grip) than I normally use (strap heater). Thought about doing a bit of single-sword and florentine stuff, but I never got around to that, but that's ok. I picked up a lot of practice and a lot of lessons. Now, this past Saturday was even better! War practice!

This was not a day to polish up personal skills. Saturday was a day to forge brotherhoods with the men and women we would stand shoulder to shoulder with in battle. We practiced forming the shield wall, advancing and maneuvering, and different tactics for different terrains and scenarios. I learned that in a wall, the bigger the shield, the better. I learned that swordsmen are not swordsmen, per se. More like shieldmen. Swordsmen are not the ones who do the killing in a shield wall. They are the ones who protect the real killers of enemies, the spearmen.

It was great fun! But then, fighting always is, even in Summer. After the war practice, a few of us had some one on one bouts going, and I stepped in for it, too. One of the knights, Sir Michael, wanted to fight with me specifically. I have no idea why he wanted to fight with me, but I was both delighted and honored. He used a spear, which meant me having to get close to him, which he wouldn't let me do. I chased him around for what felt like a half hour, during which time he must have killed me at least six times. After that, a few other fighters got out and started a little Round Robin type thing. Again, I was given much advice throughout the day, and I oved every bit of it. They're all so helpful. Sir Michael comes from a martial arts background like me, so a lot of what he said made a lot of sense...that and he's short, like me, too, so a lot of what he said applied to me, too. He's a great guy.

::sigh:: Originally, I wondered if there was any knight in the SCA I would want to be squired to, and since I hadn't met many, the list was extremely short. Now that I've met more, I can't seem to make up my mind. They all seem so cool! Uther von Ziemer, his brother Luther, Thomas of Aylesbury, Tar Radu, Michael of the Mace, King William, Caillin Macleod, Padruig, John the Bearkiller...the list goes on. These are all men I've met that I would love nothing more than to be counted among. They are modern, yet ancient...that is, their code, their lifestyle, passed out of popularity centuries ago. Or has it?

Chivalry in and of itself is found more often than people might think. It's just not called the same thing anymore. These men I listed still live with this ideal every day. Yes, valor is part of chivalry, and courage and discretion are the better parts of valor...but the other aspects of chivalry...courtesy and teaching...these are what are seen most often by students like me, and when students like me see men like them doing things like makes us want to be them even more.

A lot of fighters get distracted with the thought of knighthood. They make prowess their top priority, ahead of things like generosity, or humility. They sometimes forget the fact that a good stick is just that. What makes a great warrior into a knight is something no skill with a sword can influence. Heart.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

So THIS is what it's like!

So! Duvant Defender! It honors one of the most chivalrous men the SCA has ever known. I never got to meet him, but the legends of the man are absolutely epic.

I rode down to Hattiesburg with James the Holy and Katil. Let me tell ya, multiple travelers is the way to go! It's more fun, more interesting, and WAY less expensive! I slept in the backseat most of the way. I didn't exactly want to, but since I was the smallest, I had the backseat, which I have no problem with. The problem is that being in the backseat removes me from the majority of said interesting conversations. So instead, I listened to my music a lot and slept.

Once we got there, we puttered around waiting for other people, and I was able to snag a bed space in a cabin. You know, there actually is something to be said for reserving space ahead of time. Anyway, once I unpacked and garbed up, I went to the Green Dragon where everyone else was. Once Their Majesties arrived and garbed up, they also came to the tavern, and with much formal ceremony, set Ashikaga Hiromoto on his vigil to become a knight.

I stayed up longer than most. I was the next-to-last person to see him, and that was around 4 a.m. When I finally left, I passed His Majesty, who had been the first person to see Ashi. We made small talk for a while before retiring a half hour later.

From the few times I have met him and talked with him on a personal level, my impressions of King William (Sir Camric) are that he is another one of those cool guys who is devoted to the authenticity of nearly everything he does in the SCA, from clothing, to armor, to ceremony, to personal ideals. He makes a very good king, and a cool person. I just don't know what kind of man he is.

The next morning, my alarm went off at 8. I took a shower and armored up, being the first fighter to be inspected (accompanied with much ribbing when it was learned that this was my very first tournament). After being inspected, I puttered again as fighters kept arriving and signing up for the tournament. When they finally got everyone's name down on the list, there were 32 fighters, which made 16 first round fights! And I was the second match.

My opponent was a man younger than me named Antonio. I don't know him hardly at all, but we know who each other are. He was in the army, and just came back from Iraq a few months ago, recovering from shrapnel wounds. He's squired to Sir Loric, and fights like him: VERY fast. But I still accomplished what I set out to do! He didn't kill me with one shot! That was my goal, and to make sure I achieved it, I did the stupidest thing possible when fighting against someone I've never seen fight before: I rushed him. The fact that I wasn't killed instantly says more for my element of surprise than anything else. Still, I kept my shield up enough so that he didn't kill me, but in the excitement of everything, I left my it high and he gave my leg a good whack. I went to my knees, where Antonio mercifully made my end quick.

So the day passed to the sound of sword on shield. Since it was a double elimination tournament, I got another fight: Sir Godfried. This man was Ashi's first knight before moving to another kingdom, and when I heard his name after mine, the whole field heard me "God Bless!"

Well, again, I was determined not to let him have me with just a single swing. I poked at his face with my thrusting tip, but it was my first time with one of those, and didn't think follow it up with something. Otherwise, I think I may have had a shot at his front leg, and that's what I tried next, but before I could get there, his blade was ringing on my helmet.

That took me out of the tournament proper. It was a long time before it was over, and there was much prowess and chivalry displayed throughout the day. Sir Loric was the first to make it all the way to the finals, being the only man not to lose any of his fights. In the semi-finals it came down to Uther and James. Technically, Uther won, but this was a qualifying tournament for the Tournament of Champions in December, and since Uther had already qualified with Ashi earlier this year, he asked if he could bow out of the tournament and allow James to continue to the finals, thus ensuring him a spot in the TOC. This was allowed, and he went to fight Loric. The fight was to be best two out of three, and James won the second, but Loric won the two, so he claimed the winner's cup.

When the contest was finally over, I went to do some pick up fighting with a friend...when my shield strap broke. He and I played with single sword for a little bit, which was a lot of fun, but I did not stay after that. Later, I went and stripped my armor down and got a shower.

That evening, I stood with the entourage for court. Ashi was formally knighted, among many other awards and recognitions given and applauded. After that was feast which was wonderful, despite my pounding headache. Afterwards, four of my friends and I sat in our cabin talking the good talk before going back to the Green Dragon to socialize with everyone else. There were some really good stories and fond memories passed around in there! But that's the way it always is when you get a bunch of us in the same place at the same time.

The next morning saw us all packing up and leaving to get breakfast together (the five of us from Memphis). There were good reflections on the event, and many plans made for the days to come. You're going to have to keep watching! Summer's not nearly over, and there is still so much to do and blog about!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Remembering Chivalry

Yesterday was the end of the shoot down here, and Erik finished his selfbow. Neither of us placed, but we still had lots of fun. Once we got back, we got lost in old movies, and I saw Ivanhoe for the first time and loved it. Right after that was Knights of the Round Table. I liked Ivanhoe better, but it still wasn't bad.

Robert Taylor reminds me a lot of Sir Elazar, but mostly in looks, I don't know Elazar well enough yet to tell whether or not he's quite as like Ivanhoe as I think he is, though I think he is...I think...

It's really cool to watch a movie like that and be so faimliar with all the terms in there because of the SCA. I mean, we actually use those words! But we use other things, too. The idea of chivalry isn't quite as foreign in the SCA as in the mundane world. People think that chivalry is dead in the mundane world, but come to an event, and you see it around every corner, and can even experience it firsthand.

Man, I can't wait to get back to an event! Duvant Defender is this weekend. It honors one of the best and most chivalrous fighters the Society has ever known. You can bet I'll be there!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Most Random Journal...

Well, it wasn't as good as our shoots back home, but still not as bad as it could have been. I really need arrows for my English longbow. It's so much lighter than my other bow, so the arrows I have are way too stiff to fly well from it.

Erik finished most of his bow today. It shoots well, but the handle still needs to be shaped. We go back to the shoot tomorrow. Hopefully, I can post a better score than I did today.

I was reminded that I'm not a craftsman, but a shooter. Making things don't so much strike my fancy as doing things. Not enough patience.

On another note...

THREE WEEKS! 21 more days! Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! (I'm kinda giddy!)

Sorry for the short post. Have more tomorrow! God bless!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Louisiana Again

Greetings from sunny Louisiana! I'm here for the birthday of Master Erik, and man, that's a longer drive than I thought! Nearly eight hours about did me in. And an eighteen mile bridge! I thought I knew the definition of the word "bayou"!

Erik and I go to a mundane shoot tomorrow, and I imgine it will probably be much like Twin Oaks. One can only hope! Check back often for updates!

God bless!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer Plans

Ok, so the reason for the new pic is that last weekend I was down in Louisiana for the kingdom archery championships. I won again, which means I am now the 1st, 3rd and 5th Yeoman of Gleann Abhann. What I'm happier about, though, is that I slammed by personal record by 12 points! Only another two points and I would have broken 200, which would have rocked, and another 12 after that would tie the top scorer in the kingdom. Only 14 points from the top! Sweetness! I love archery.

But as much as I love it, like I've said in earlier posts, I can't become a knight with my bow, and I WILL become one...eventually. One of my households has a fighter practice every Wednesday night, and I was actually able to get to this one. I killed Uther once, too!! Faked him out when he thought I was going for a wrap to his leg, but I caught the side of his helmet instead. I made that my last fight of the evening...It was just too hot. Now, just because I beat Uther once doesn't mean I'm making progress. I actually now have more bad habits than when I started because now that Uther's learned better methods, he's teaching them to everyone he knows, too. We got a looooooooong way to go before progress is actually made.

I find I have to step up and do a lot more on my own than I originally had thought. I never thought my summer would be this busy! I've gotten into the habit of doing crunches every morning and evening, but now I really should also add pell work and probably running to the schedule, and I really need to work on my gear for fighting, like finishing my war shield, adjusting my arms, shaving down my leg armor and adding a buckle to my kidney belt.

There are other plans, too, like more SCA events. Louisiana again this weekend, at least three to Mississippi in there, and two to Arkansas.

On the other hand, I get to go to Colorado three weeks from this Saturday! YAY, I'm so excited! Lanelle and I have been talking about what we want to do together, and who we'll hang out with. I'm actually really excited about hanging with her brothers and sister, as well as her father, too.

I want to get to know each of them very, very well, in a way unique to each of them. Her sister Shauna, I want to understand has another brother now, that she has to get potential boyfriends past. I want to help teach and guide Jared, and see if I can help him find his way in life.

The one I think I'll have the most fun with, though, is the youngest, Aven. He's 12, and we got to hang a little bit the last time I was up there. This time will be better because it's Summer! I want to teach him how to shoot, and how to throw at least axes, and martial arts, too! With Aven, I can look him in the face and tell him an honest truth: You come from a line of warriors! (Lanelle's family heritage is mostly Scottish and Scandinavian). The blood and adrenalin of the Vikings flows through your body, and when you do things like this (archery and throwing) you are more connected than ever to your past!

Remember me talking about that connection? I've started seeing it in more mundane things, too, like the things we do while we're just sitting around the campfires. It's true what they say about History repeating itself, and I enjoy that...but come to think of it...things like that never really stopped...this isn't History repeated. This is History...continued...!