Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Therapeutic Expression

Ok, so I'm driving down the street on my way to school, and I come to a red light. I swear, this crossroad has got to be the one intersection that every female jogger in Memphis uses consistently, because there are always a few there, and today there were more than usual! But anyway, there was this one that stood out. It wasn't because she was attractive (eh, in a cool big sister kinda way, I guess) and it wasn't because of the bright white sweater she was was because of her smile. It was huge! She was having so much fun! Apparently, there was someone she knew across the street, and they started embarassing each other (and themselves!) to the great entertainment of all the drivers stuck at the light.

As I drove away, I couldn't help thinking of how many people that girl must have helped today. A smile does so much. It's amazing how much we underestimate it. Some people desperately need a smile before they do something rash. Without it...who knows what they might do?

Everyone knows that no one loves to smile like I do, and that no one loves to make other people smile like I do. I'll do anything and everything for a smile. Maybe I should have taken lessons in comedy...or maybe it's something you're either born with or without. Take my brother, for example.

I swear, that boy's knack for timing is uncanny! You see it a lot in sparring. I'm pretty sure I'm faster than he is, but I lose to him more often than I win, because he sits back, patiently waiting for me, and then he defends himself, gauges me, and waits for an opening that I'm sure he knows is coming before I do!
His timing serves him really well in telling funny stories, too. My little brother is the most popular guy I know, and everyone who knows him loves him. I'm oftentimes jealous of him. Anyway, the point is, he never had to learn this talent. He was born with this ability. None of us knows yet what he's going to do after college, besides fly, but I'm sure that which he was born with will serve him very well.

So... since I love to make people smile (because it makes me smile, too!) how can I do so? Any suggestions?...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Dad burnit, is he flingin' arrers AGIN?!"

Well, hey, I got a new bowstring! What the heck do you expect?! My best friend has the day off, so he and I are going up to the shop (Ty Davis' place, Everything Archery) to fling a few experimental shafts, seeing that this is both a new string, and the first time my bow has been shot since we glued the limb tip back on. Assuming Dad and I did everything right, there shouldn't be anymore wear on the string than is normal, meaning this string should last much longer than the last one. I hope it does! The Queen's Yeoman competition is coming up in December! That shall be the proving ground. If my bow does what I ask it to, I should do tolerably well, and then go to Gulf Wars with it!


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Self in Selflessness

This post may be a bit random, so hang on.

What is the motivation of service? At it's root, I mean. Do we serve, or help someone simply because it's the right thing to do, and that God commanded us to do so? Or is it because we enjoy the thought of helping someone else's day go smoother? If that's the case...

Can selflessness be selfish?

I serve, and enjoy doing it. The smile on people's faces fills me with an enormous sense of satisfaction and purpose. When I am down, and I do something, and someone says "Thank you," I no longer feel down. I serving so that I feel better about myself?

It arouses much debate in my I'm sure it does in yours. Everyone has an opinion! Share it with me.

Five little words

It was only five words... but I think they'll be with me the whole day, and will not fail to keep a smile on my face!

Once again, I reiterate the pleasure of service. I haven't had much to talk about, recently. Life has been life. A pleasant weekend helping friends move into their new apartment was about the highlight of recent events. But it was still nice to help.

This morning, I was on my way to class, thanking God for no more cloud cover! The last week or so has been plagued with a perpetual overcast that was finally dispelled today. The sun shines, and there is an extra skip in my step! But there was more!

The parking spot I got was wonderful, too. Not the front row, but far from the back! And then, the highlight of the morning! There was a pair of nursing students coming up the steps with a dolly behind them, and a precariously balanced package of cardboard and posters balanced on the back. All I did was offer to help! It was such a small thing. I simply picked up the back end, and we went up the rest of the stairs much faster. They thanked me. Their smiles were beautiful, and the more so because I knew they came from genuine thanks for something I had done. I smiled the whole way to class!

"It is a strange thing that we should suffer so much pain for so small a thing... so small a thing..." Boromir was talking about the One Ring, but the sentiment is...close to the same thing. It is a strange thing that such happiness could come from so small a thing...just five little words..."Want some help with that?"

Thursday, November 22, 2007

God has blessed me mightily. I thank Him for Him and everything He's given me, including (but certainly not limited to!):

Family. My parents are saints, my brother's a trip, and my cousins are just plain cool.

Lanelle. My dear, sweet lady. Nothing I can say can possibly express the swell of affection I have for you whenever I think of your smile, your kiss, or your embrace. Your voice soothes when it sings lullabies, and shines when you laugh. I love you, sweetheart!

Friends! Many, many friends! My love goes out to the Johnson's, for they are my second family. Evan, Katie and Shelby have been so wonderful, and so has Mom. I love you guys! Dave, whom I love as closely as a brother. Oh, the times we've had! Patrick, Billy, Josh, Ashley, Hutch, Mike, Liza, K.C., many! And I haven't even named the SCA friends! Jenni and Sean, Cormac, Uther and Kenna, James Holy, Ali and Naqidah...the list just goes on! I love you all!

Imagination. Escape from the dull drudgery that is college academia. I can put myself anywhere in the world at any time in History, just by thinking about it!

Talent. My skill with the bow is my favorite that I practice, and I daresay God gave me quite a gift for it. In the SCA, out of more than 300 archers around the entire world, I rank 34th. That's in the top 11 percent! And of all those who use longbows, I am ranked 4th. I love my longbow!

But then, I love so many things. The very idea of love itself, in all its forms. Eros, Philos, but most importantly, Agapos. When the three of them combine, great things happen.

To all my friends, family, my lovely lady, Lanelle, and God...thank you. I love you.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Return, Men of Might. Come back to us, Heroes of song...

Ok! So, now we've fastforwarded exactly 1,500 years, from A.D. 507 to 2007. From Beowulf to Hitman. THAT movie, I loved! For those of you who have never played the game, you've missed out, and for those who have never played, but seen the movie, you missed a lot of interesting tidbits! I wish there was something I could tell without giving away the plot, but I'm really kind of tired, and I guess I just want to go and mess with music for a while, waiting for my girl to call!

I saw Beowulf again tonight, too. The second time was different. This time, since I had already looked at all the things that weren't right, I got to look closer at some of the things I did like. Beowulf is proud, yes, and he is easily susceptible to lust, and he lied many times over when he said he had killed Grendel's mother...but even so. He still loved his wife, even though he turned to another for physical release (I do not condone what he did, but I think I can understand his reasoning). He was human, after all, and not a god of battle.

"What makes a man a warrior is training. What makes a man a hero is courage. Those who have both training and courage are the ones who become true legends." Beowulf had both of these, and so he was all of these, and he always will be...

Beowulf...Roland...Achilles...Arthur... The greatest fighters who ever lived, the likes of which have never been matched...and we don't even know if all of them were real, or even if any of the legends have any truth whatsoever to them. During the movie, while Beowulf is king, his army badly defeats another. As he sits his horse watching, his best friend Wiglaf by his side, Beowulf laments the loss of heroism. He thinks Christianity killed it. I too, feel the loss of great and epic men, the likes of whom songs will be sung and stories told for generations, hundreds of years from now. I do not blame religion for these things, but rather...I don't know, really. I think technology has a large hand in it. General George Patton thought the same thing.

As I sat watching men draw their swords and charge a monster, never stopping to think that they might die, but trusting to the strength of the steel in their hands and longing for everlasting glory, I found myself missing terribly the days when men actually sung the praises of heroes, and the heroic virtues. Strength, Courage, Honor, and Chivalry. The legendary giants of History held these virtues closer to their hearts than their own lives. Miyamoto Musashi...Joan of Arc...William Marshal...Richard Lionheart...Alvin York...will there ever again be heroes like these? I doubt it. And I will never cease to mourn the loss of heroes such as these. Never again will Durendal or Excalibur shine and flash hope into the hearts of men, burning in the pure white sun.

They are lost to us.

(Sorry this is so late. I just found this post again. I wrote it, then saved it as a draft, then forgot about it completely!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tale of a Warrior

"I am Beowulf, and I've come to kill your monster."

All well and good, warrior...but can you conquer yourself?

I enjoyed the movie. Graphic, yes, CGI, yes, a deviation from the legend, slightly, but I still enjoyed the story as I always have. The main problems I had were with Grendel. I mean, a monster is one thing, but this is disgusting. I won't go into detail.

What I DID enjoy, though, was the whole new dimension that was added to the story by making Grendel the son of Hrothgar, and the dragon the son of Beowulf! I thought it brilliant! In that element ALONE, the story suddenly illustrates the terrible consequences of greed, lust, deception, and most importantly, Pride.

The only other problem I have with the movie is that Grendel's mother never dies! THIS is just plain blasphemous! I mean, what's wrong with the thought of Beowulf killing her, and THAT being the reason the dragon goes on a rampage?! ::sigh:: But it was still good.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Pleasure of Service

Why I love the SCA: Beautiful laides in beautiful garb, with beautiful smiles when you help them; and there are SO many opportunities to do so! And even if the ladies are not served, or have nothing that need help with, you can bet the event autocrat, one of their helper/underlings, or most of all, Their Majesties do!

Maybe it's because I'm closer to these royals than I ever have been with any royals ever before, but Uther and Kenna...are the most noble people I know. Kenna is every inch a queen, easily the most beautiful person I have ever seen in the Society, and just as capable, kind and fun as she is lovely. Uther to say it with justice...well, what he can be, at almost any point in time, is determined, majestic, stern, funny to the point of hilarity, kindly, and fatherly...but he can be all of this at the same time, and STILL be the best fighter in Gleann Abhann!

Knowing these people as well as I do (though I hope to get to know them much, much better in the future!) I suppose it's no surprise that I love them so dearly, and loving them so much makes me want to make their lives flow easier. Being on entourage is the best way to do that, and it's busy, but it's good busy; Fun Busy!

This weekend was Crown List: the great tournament held twice every year to determine who will next sit the Ram Thrones. The winner (a knight named Sir William deFitzhugh aka Sir Camric) is a very capable man, as is his wife, Onora, and I believe the kingdom will rest in good hands when they ascend to their stations.
I was as gleefully busy as a bee flitting hither and thither at the whim of the event volunteers, Their Majesties and others on entourage who needed something or someone fetched or carried. I have never felt such fulfillment after an event is done, though I wish I could have stayed for feast, and then the revel. ::sigh:: I do so dearly love to dance, and there hasn't been much to speak of, recently. I miss is. Thank God there will be plenty at Christmas Revel! I'll have plenty to entertain me there! Between the Queen's Yeoman competition, serving entourage, and the dancing, this is gonna be one heck of a great event to come!


Friday, November 16, 2007

See you Sunday!

So long, folks! I post this, print out directions, and leave for Shreveport! I'll be back early early Sunday morning to ring handbells, though. Pray for me!

God bless!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Love, College, and..Graduation Already?!

Is it really that close??

I still don't think I've gotten it completely through my head, yet. There are too many things happening at once!

The most recent is that my girl is examining U of M to see what it's like so she can come here for school! Man, would I love it! She says that once she finishes a few more courses out at her college in Spring and Summer, then she'll be able to move down here, although in order to get a scholarship, she'll have to live here for at least 6 months before starting courses. By then...I may have graduated...

It's huge, in my head. After this semester, I'll only have 36 more hours to take. So, I could do 18 each in Spring and Fall, but I think I might take it easier in Spring so that I can go to at least the majority of Gulf Wars and take a few courses in the Summer, and THEN bulk up in the Fall...although...some would argue it might be better to string it out just a little bit longer, and just graduate in Spring of '09. I'm not sure yet. I still haven't even picked classes for THIS Spring.

After college..who knows, but God alone? I doubt He'll wait until the last possible minute to tell me where He wants me, but I know He wants me to concentrate on school for now, but it still makes me nervous. I don't want to have to depend on my parents after I've gotten a degree! That's just the epitome of not wanting to grow up. In some ways, I don't, but in others, I can tolerate it, and in still others, I can't wait! So I guess the good outweighs the bad. We'll see!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Drama done, now!

Ok! Now that I got that last post out of my system, I feel better. I had a long talk with Mom, too, and that helped a lot. I guess I just had to be reminded that I'm not alone. I'm ot the only one going through this kind of...I don't know, I wouldn't exactly call it "turmoil"...anyway, I'm not alone. What really helps is that Mom encouraged my archery for the first time last night, too. It's a better feeling, now.

On the subject of archery!
The big event I go to every year is called Gulf Wars. Nearly the entirety of at least three kingdoms converge on Hattiesburg, MS for a solid week! Their purpose? Battle! This year, they are holding the first annual Grand Exhibition Archery Tournament! Throughout the year, scores for a certain competition (called the IKAC, or Inter Kingdom Archery Competition) are kept. The top ten scoring archers who attend the war will earn a place in the competition!
This is the kind of stuff my dreams have been made of for years! This is gonna be fun!

A Rolling Stone...

Ok, so I'm in one of my more depressed states of mind tonight. Probably because my grades are suffering horribly, and I only have three of them. It's terrible. I've never felt this low, nor do I think I have ever really done this badly.

I think I nailed down what my problem might be, though, and that's something, but it's something for which I'm afraid I'll need a lot of help, and a lot of time to get past. I hate school and always have, that's no secret. Now I think I understand why: no matter how hard the work, no matter how early I turn it in, or how much I get done, or how high the grade...I have never felt a single sense of accomplishment for it. I remember the idea of straight A's. My heart never swelled with pride for it, on the exceedingly rare occasions when I did get it. I turn in a ten page research paper, get an A+, and my professor writes in "One of the best I've read" and I don't feel any different about it. I hate it. I don't know why! Why can't I feel satisfaction at well done academia? Isn't it something to be proud of?! I really can't understand why it is that I feel no different about getting good grades than getting passing ones.

I want to change. I've got to change. If I don't, this is going to ruin my life. What kind of person am I? What have I become? A lazy History geek who can't dig inside himself and find the heart to do the work that is necessary? No, I can fight it...but I think it would be a lot easier, and more satisfying if I could feel the pride that goes along with a job well done. Does anyone else ever feel this way? I have my whole life. Someone? Please...?

Help me...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

King Uther and the Holy Pail

Hee hee! For those of you folks not in the SCA, there is an event every year called Holy Pail, which is our spoof on Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. This year, our king is named Uther, so I thought it especially amusing. There are killer bunnies, black knights (and those who say "ni") as well as a bridgekeeper, and lots and lots of coconuts! We did, however manage to avoid bloody anarcho-syndochist peasants as well as Castle Anthrax, though we did hear about Lancelot's daring raid to rescue fair "man-den."

It was one of the most laid back, relaxed events I've ever been to. Lots of fun. There was supposed to be archery there,. and I took it to mean there was a contest, but no such luck. The only tournaments were for the fighters, but that's ok. The winner was a friend of mine, a squire named Caedmon of Jorvik. I don't know why he's not a knight yet. He's very skilled (not the best, but still up there) and he's got to be one of the most honorable fighters I've ever seen. He knows more dances than probably every other knight in the kingdom combined, he loves to dance them, does it well, and is a lot fun, all at the same time!

Over the last few weeks, he and I have drawn marginally closer. We have the same body-type, which has got to put us in the same boat all by ourselves: we're little guys playing a big man's game. I want to see if I can get together with him sometime soon, so that he can work with me in combat. We both have martial arts experience, so we have that in common, and I imagine the way we fight should be similar; that is, I imagine that to be effective, I should be fighting the way he does.

My bonding with Caedmon comes at a time when I find myself wondering about my relationship with Uther. Before he was knighted, I had no real inspiration or motivation to really start fighting, though I did wonder what knight I would like to be squired to, but no one really caught my eye or stood out to me. When he was knighted, suddenly I felt I had found my I Ching. Uther, in my opinion, is, bar none, the best fighter in the kingdom, and he's definitely the best I've ever seen. He has a devotion to combat that borders on reverance, and if it were a recognized martial art, he would be called "Master Uther." But so great is his skill and love for combat, so also is his honor and great heart. The first to praise, the last to condemn, Uther has also got to be the most liked king I've ever met. Gleann Abhann loves him, and I am sure that after he has served his time as monarch, his reign will be remembered as a veritable Golden Age, filled with fun, laughter, and brimming with honor and courtesy. In short, he is everything I've ever dreamed of in a knight, and he is everything I want to be... but that's not all he is.

More and more often, I find myself noticing vast differences between us, mostly in our attitudes. He and I have only our love for honor in common. The way he is addicted to fighting is the way I love archery. In his household, I feel very much the baby of the group, and I wish I felt like I belonged there. The household is so much fun, and they're so incredibly nice and caring to the point of selflessness, but like I said. They are fighters, and I am an archer. I want to fight, but everyone there has been fighting so long, and I am still barely past being a neophyte. They all want to teach me more, but I am too embarassed to actually take the field with them.

Caedmon is different. He and I are better friends, for some reason. We are closer. When I talk with him, or serve with him, he makes me feel like an equal. If he were a knight, I would want to be his squire instead of Uther's! On the few occasions I have fought with him, his method of teaching me just makes more sense. He says things to me that others have said, but Caedmon helps me understand concepts so much better.

Very soon, I will be writing a letter of recommendation about him to Their Majesties, hoping it will be passed on to the Knight's Circle. I believe he's already got every other award there is to get, but he needs to be recognized somehow. Knighthood is the highest honor possible for a fighter. There is nothing higher than that, and I believe that is the only honor Caedmon has not achieved, but I know it has not been for lack of trying. The back os Uther's shield says "Peerage is not given, it is recognized." In that sense, Caedmon is already a knight, and has been ever since the day I met him, almost seven years ago. Now, maybe other people will sit up and take notice of him. Winning Crown List would definitely do it, but he had to drop out of this upcoming one for mundane reasons, and even then, though he is a great fighter, I do not really think he's quite capable yet of measuring up to fighters of the caliber in the tournament. There are several knights vying for the title, and a few others that are still very good fighters. Perhaps one day, Caedmon will become king, and then we shall see what happens.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Forgotten Holiday

I just posted a reply to the blog of a friend of mine, and thought it would go well here, too. I was talking about Thanksgiving, and how people gloss over it as just a bigger-than-normal meal before we get to Christmas. The whole essence of the day seems to be lost by now. Everyone gets caught up in the fact that they get school or work of, and sometimes, not even then! I iss kindergarten. We dressed up as Pilgrims and Indians. The Pilgrim guys had the option of choosing which moustache you could get. Most guys went with straight ones, but I went for the handlebar! Ya gotta love the classic style...anyway...
My point is, Thanksgiving is becoming a thankless holiday. No one even says is anymore until they get to the dinner table. Why not remember it the whole day? Relax! When you relax, you see so much more you can say thanks for! We don't say it nearly often enough.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Again, Summer Good, Cold Bad!

As if the cold is not enough! Darkness! It started at 5, and by 6 it will be too dark to do anything outside at all! I'd make a fire, but there's no one here to share it with me. Maybe another day.

So! Another day, another coupla dozen arrows lobbed towards the imagination! A hostile Viking here, a marauding Celt there, maybe an attacking Pawnee, perhaps a trophy whitetail, or maybe just the last shot of a World Championship. I've done it all!
If anyone knows anything about me, it's probably my love for the bow. I find myself spending more and more time around it, and now I'm drawing more and more people to it! There's nothing that helps a love grow like spreading it around! Billy and I must have spent two hours shooting, and the best shots we had were in fun. But, that's the way it goes. I know it wasn't Sun Tzu, but a contemporary of his said "When an archer shoots for enjoyment, he has all his skill. When he shoots for a brass buckle, he gets nervous. When he shoots for a prize of gold, he begins to see two targets."
Another book I've read teaches the Japanese art of iaido, or the art of drawing the sword into a killing stroke. "The idea is not to draw the sword quickly, but calmly." Other martial arts, such as Kung Fu and Tai Chi, stress this importance on relaxation. The body is more capable of action than the mind gives it credit for. With physical activity, when you stop thinking, your body reacts quicker, steadier, better. Relax! Have fun! Your scores will skyrocket!

The arrow will follow the eye, but only if you let it. Once you release the bowstring, there is nothing more to be done. The arrow shoots where you tell it to go. Complications just make things more difficult. Maybe this is another reason the traditional bow calls to me, as opposed to modern compound archery. Modern is easier, but it is also much more complex. The bow practically shoots itself! Traditional archery is harder, but it is much simpler! And because it's harder, the bull's eye is all the more satisfying. ..I LOVE IT!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Well, the cold is here. Surprisingly sunny, yes, but still cold. I don't like it. Not one bit. They say the weekend is supposed to be better. We'll see.

As I sit here waiting to go teach young ones taekwondo, I am struck once again at the amount of responsibility I have to them. There is such...overwhelming potential! The oldest and highest ranking ones, Max and Andrew, are taking on the roles of assistant teachers, and I think the kids identify with them more than they can me, simply because I'm so much older than everyone. They are both incredibly talented. Given enough time and practice, combined with desire and the right instruction, I believe the both of them can be martial arts giants! They have strong, quick limbs, and hearts that won't back down from challenges, but more than anything, they are clever.

They say an assassin's greatest weapon is not anything his hands can make, but his mind. This is true for more things in life than one might think. The body and mind are meant to complement each other. The body should be able to do what the mind can imagine, and the mind should practically conceive plans and actions in advance. In sports like football, soccer, rugby, and baseball, the bodies are used, but only in conjunction with a finely tuned mind called a team.
In martial arts, one often gets wrapped up in the flashy stuff. High kicks, cool spins, and hard hits are all integral, but the fighter who wins is the smarter one.
For years now, the element of combat that I have worshiped and held higher than all others is speed. Power is only so good if you can hit a target, and if not, then strength is altogether useless. Now I begin to understand what Sun Tzu meant when he said things like "Know thine enemy." If a fighter can understand his opponent, then no matter how fast he is, the opponent can be outsmarted.
Personally, I think that the minds that can think like this in combat are exceptional. Sparring and fighting are, more often than not, affairs of instinct and reflex...

But I'm close to out of time. More on this later!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Summer Good. Cold Bad.

Ok, so it's not quite that cold yet, but I know it's getting there. The high today was around 75, but tomorrow, the high will be around 55. Ugh. As soon as a book of mine gets on the Bestseller's List, I'm hittin' it for the Gulf Coast to become some sort of migrating human.

Kinda like my feelings on days like these. I'm feeling good, but I know I have to go do something I hate doing. It's like thinking "I'm walkin' in the sunshine! Unfortunately, I'm also walking in a swamp." But, it'll get better. I justhave to survive until Christmas break, and I think I'll make it!

More later!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Not a bad weekend

So...what all happened this weekend?

Well, on Friday, there was the whole party thing out at my friend Liza's home, way, way, WAY out in this little town called Atoka up in Tipton County. Our friend Hutch was the first one to get there, and I was second. After changing into costume, I helped Hutch and Mike build the fire. Mike and Liza had already set up the chairs and tables, and they started bringing the food out pretty soon after that. Eventually, K.C. showed up, then Ashely and Nick, followed by Billy bringing up the rear. Unfortunately, Billy, Ashely, Nick and I were the only ones in costume, but we all still talked the great campfire talks! Mike's and Liza's parents were there, too, as well as Russell, Liza's younger brother. That was the first time I'd ever had hobo meals, and I loved it! Put some meat, carrots and potatoes on tin foil, wrap it up, stick on hot coals, wait for twenty minutes! As long as the potatoes are done, the rest of it is, too! I swear, I had never had something so simple, yet so tasty!
Then we came inside, and Liza opened her presents (her b-day was Teusday, I think). We all played massive amounts of DDR, running ourselves into the ground, and the Wii was set up upstairs. We didn't go to bed until very late, but it was a heck of a time!

The morning was spent pretty much exploring. Mike and Liza showed Billy, Hutch, K.C. and myself the place where Mike proposed, as well as taking us down to the creek bed, which was dry, but so wooded and green I was in heaven! I showed the others how to throw a Chinese war ax, and Billy got to be really good at it. Then Mike and Liza started wrestling, and neither Hutch nor myself could stay out of it. The highlight was when Mike pushed Hutch down, and they both rolled off the side of a three foot ravine! I swear it looked like Frodo and Gollum fighting over the Ring! After that, we succeeded at the four person chair twice, but failed twice at the Four Man Push Up. Finally, we made it back to the house to play on the Wii and Halo and more DDR. At last, we ended with a viewing of DOA, which isn't as good as Mortal Kmobat, but is way better than Street Fighter!

Then there's today.
Not much, really. Rang handbells at church, then lunch with the parents, then stayed home all day. Dad and I worked on repairing my bow and a few arrows, and I know what material to get to work on my other bow. I'll take Dad's bow with me to Ty's place so it can get a serving put on it, and I can shoot with J.

And now, the final touch! People will actually be reading this! Yay for publicity! Maybe I should include a disclaimer about none of my posts being deep, philosophical or reflective, like Katie's are...Nah, they'll figure it out on their own!

God bless!

Friday, November 2, 2007

I can't believe I'm doing this

Ok, so I finally broke down and started doing this stuff. As if I don't have enough to do already. That being said...
I've found out that there's a whole heck of a lot in my life that I want to be able to share with people. Thoughts, viewpoints, laughter...even the whole idea of communication with people I can't get in touch with any other way. I think I'm actually looking forward to this!
By the way. If any of you are wondering about the address for this place, just ask me about my lady. I'll be more than happy to talk about it!
I've never done this kind of thing before, and I hope it doesn't fall flat on its face. I guess this is enough for a first post. I'll start adding stuff later.

God bless!