Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Five little words

It was only five words... but I think they'll be with me the whole day, and will not fail to keep a smile on my face!

Once again, I reiterate the pleasure of service. I haven't had much to talk about, recently. Life has been life. A pleasant weekend helping friends move into their new apartment was about the highlight of recent events. But it was still nice to help.

This morning, I was on my way to class, thanking God for no more cloud cover! The last week or so has been plagued with a perpetual overcast that was finally dispelled today. The sun shines, and there is an extra skip in my step! But there was more!

The parking spot I got was wonderful, too. Not the front row, but far from the back! And then, the highlight of the morning! There was a pair of nursing students coming up the steps with a dolly behind them, and a precariously balanced package of cardboard and posters balanced on the back. All I did was offer to help! It was such a small thing. I simply picked up the back end, and we went up the rest of the stairs much faster. They thanked me. Their smiles were beautiful, and the more so because I knew they came from genuine thanks for something I had done. I smiled the whole way to class!

"It is a strange thing that we should suffer so much pain for so small a thing... so small a thing..." Boromir was talking about the One Ring, but the sentiment is...close to the same thing. It is a strange thing that such happiness could come from so small a thing...just five little words..."Want some help with that?"

1 comment:

firebirdsinger said...

Excellent post, my dear. I agree with you whole-heartedly. There's nothing quite so satisfactory as knowing that you've brought a little bit of sunshine into someone else's life. I know I always think, "well, maybe that just erased a little bit of my grumpiness from yesterday." It is hard to keep from imagining God in front of some divine chalkboard, giving you points for good behavior and taking them away for bad. Your sweetness in always offering help is one of your best qualities.