Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Plans, Memories, Reflections, And Thrills!

Yay, Spring Break next week! After class on Friday, my family and I leave for New Mexico! Gonna spend a week there visiting my Dad's family, and that's always fun. One of Dad's sisters raises horses, and we always go riding. It's a great time. My favorite cousin Joanne also has horses, and she and I love to ride together. She's a great girl.

We get back from that on Sunday. The Wednesday after that, Billy and I leave for Gulf Wars! The next day, Mike and Liza join me there! Gulf Wars is always the highlight of my SCA year, and there is truly no experience like it in the world. This year, however, it is special because of an event that literally makes any lover-of-archery's mouth water: The First Annual Grand Exhibition Tournament!
Let me put this into perspective for you. Out of more than 400 archers AROUND THE WORLD, only the top 10 that show up get to compete! Right now, I'm ranked around #45. Not bad, but I know I can do better. I've been practicing! Yesterday I stopped by Ty's place and put in an hour of shooting, as well as picking up a new shooting glove. I think it's going to help a lot! Today, I put in another hour. I tell you what, the new glove helps my release a lot. I think I'm getting consistent enough to really count, now. Once I make the switch back to cedar shafts, I think I'll be able to attain that position I've been dreaming of my whole life...#1.

You know those daydreams you've always had about being the best? Being recognized for accomplishing some outstanding achievement that's never been done, or that no one else could do? Most people have little things in life that give them some small feeling like that every day. I've accomplished that once before. Back in 2000 I became a national champion in the Choong-Sil Taekwondo Federation. I was 17. In my head, it was my last chance to accomplish that, because after I turned 18, I would go up an age bracket and begin competing in the 18-32 year olds division, and it scared me to absolute death. There are World Champions on an Olympic caliber in there, and I did NOT want to have to fight them for a title.
But I did win that year, and the next year, I stepped up, and I found myself unexpectedly able to hold my own with them, though I never really won. It was a feeling of enormous satisfaction and confidence. Now I get to try the same thing in the sport that was and is the partner passion in my life to martial arts: archery.
Even if I come in dead last, the fact that I even get to compete among archers of this skill level is both incredibly humbling...and the rush of a lifetime!

The day after we get back from that, I pull my much-anticipated St. Patrick's Day Chase! Ask me for more details. The only thing everyone REALLY needs to know is that they should meet me between the Music Building and the Theater Building on campus around 2:15 on Monday, St. Patrick's Day! I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Well, call off THAT search...

Sorry, readers. My bad. Found my iPod! Thanks for looking!

Weekend Shenanigans!

Wow, a lot to talk about!

First thing's first: Friday night gaming! But then, even before the game started, Mike, Liza, Billy and I started talking about Gulf Wars. They're coming down to camp with me, and had many questions as to what to bring, what to wear, and how much of everything to bring. It's gonna be a great time!
Whilst always being one of the most anticipated events of the entire week for me, I must admit that it has always had the potential for serious detriment to my health. This last Friday, after the game proper, Billy, Mike, Liza, Hutch and I started playing video games...and did not stop until 8 Saturday morning!

After we finally beat the game and Billy kicked us out, I figured I would go over to the Johnson's early and crash there until the game party that night. I slept for about six hours, and then Billy called me wanting to know if I wanted to go get dinner, which I did. We went to Ryu's Sushi Bar, had a good time, stopped by the comic book store, and I finally left him to go back to the Johnson's. And if it hadn't been for the game, we would have had a great time! After our loss, we were still talking about this and that, and we enjoyed each other's company.

Sunday was the first archery shoot of the year! Ironically, today is bright, sunny, warm, and everything I wish yesterday had been to shoot, but no, yesterday was overcast, cold, and wet. The good news is that Dad and I shot well enough for our own satisfaction.
After the shoot, I called Billy, and got together with him, Chris and Hutch and played Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 for a while until I left to go see Dave, K.C. and Josh and play Halo with them! I love all the friends I have!

By the way...has anyone seen a vagrant iPod? I'm fairly sure I left it somewhere at the Johnson's, though it may also be at Billy's or even the place where I teach taekwondo. THe absence of music is killing me! HELP!

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Magic Of History

I have talked before of a feeling I get when I participate in certain activities: when I throw an axe, knife, or spear, or even more mundane things of a less combative persuasion: sitting around a fire, or singing an ancient song (a new favorite of mine has become "Ja Nus Hons Pris" composed by Richard Lionheart). The feeling I get when I do these things is that of connection. Specifically, a connection to History. I keep thinking to myself "On this exact day, at this exact time, a thousand years ago, somewhere, a boy my age...was doing this exact same thing!" But this feeling, this connection, is never as strong as when I shoot my bow.

That sweet, beautiful feeling of tension, spreading across back and shoulders...there is a reaction that I call the Draw Effect. It happens on days when I'm "hot" and in tune with my bow. When my fingers curl around the bowstring, and the friction builds...the world..."fuzzes"...over...all except for the target. The target itself sharpens. It's kind of like tunnel vision, but it's not just visual; it's mental, too. I forget things that don't matter, like where I am, or what time it is, or what time period it is, or what materials all my equipment are made of.

I went to Conway in Arkansas, Saturday, to meet a friend of mine in the SCA named Kolr (pronounced "Cole"). He and I are two of the top five archers in the kingdom, and we met two more archers, one of whom was another of the top five. We watched a video called "Masters of the Barebow Vol. II" I knew two of the archers featured. One of them was Larry Yien, multiple time world longbow champion. The other was a man from whom my father and I had both had personal lessons, and had shot around with at an archery shoot. His name is Gary Davis, and there is probably no better maker of selfbows this side of the Mississippi.
After the video, we stayed and talked until finally, everyone left and it was just me, Kolr, and his wife, Karis. The highlight of the evening, and for me, the entire weekend, was when he taught me how to make traditional bowstrings!
It's much easier to show people than talk about it, so everyone's gonna have to be satisfied with that unless they actually want to watch me make one, which I will, once I have the Dacron for it.

The next morning, Kolr and I started shooting a competition called an IKAC, or Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition. It basically consists of shooting six arrows at a target from forty yards, scoring them, shooting six more, scoring them, then a speed round to see how many arrows you can shoot in 30 seconds, scoring those arrows, shooting another speed round, and finally scoring those...then you do that whole thing over again at thirty yards, and then again at twenty yards. Kolr and I each average about six arrows in thirty seconds, so all told, we shot 72 arrows in one IKAC...but then we shot two more! Overall, including practice arrows, we EACH shot more than 200 arrows in a single day! A perfect score in a single IKAC for me is 360 or higher (if I get off more than 6 arrows in 30 seconds). My high score so far is 189, which isn't bad, but I came SO close to beating it yesterday! It hurt when my high score was the exact same thing. I'll get it...I know I can.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Thanks

You know, I think I'll just have a new picture up whenever I feel like it! Know what that means, dear readers? That means you'll never know what background is up at any given time! Which means you're gonna have to keep checking back at all times! Yay, thanks!

As far as this background goes...

I know, neither figure even remotely resembles me or Lanelle, but I thought it was one of the most romantic images I'd ever seen, so I can dream.

I miss her. I really really do. I miss her bad enough already, but this being Valentine's Day certainly doesn't make it any easier. The good thing is that the sun is shining today, and I always have my music! The soles of my shoes are worn completely smooth, now, and have no traction whatsoever. I walking on concrete and slipped! There was no ice. I tore the skin off my left palm...but I still smiled all the way to class because of my music! I have always been the most happy-go-lucky guy I've ever met, and I'm DEFINITELY the most eccentric, happy romantic on campus!

But then, I suppose I have a lots to be happy and smile about. I am truly very blessed. I have a relationship with Christ, I'm in love with the most beautiful princess in the world, I have so many many friends that are as close to me as family, I have an incredible family that loves me dearly, I have my health and talents in archery and martial arts, a deep love for History, and God gave me an indescribably powerful imagination and enough music to kickstart images and movies for whatever mood I'm ever in!

It humbles me that I have been given so much. For a long time, I was stuck on how I could ever say "Thank you" enough to all the people I know for everything they've done/do for me, let alone figuring out how to do it for God! Now I know that the best way to say "Thank you" is in living. I was given each of these things for a specific purpose, and I enjoy the thought of fulfilling every last one. A few weeks (months, by now?) ago, Lanelle and I read a passage from the Bible about the Gifts of the Spirit, and I found mine. Ever since then, I have known a fulfillment that has lasted longer and stronger than anything I've ever felt before! Truly, knowing and embracing your gift for what it is, is powerful.

...and if you want to know what mine is, you'll have to ask! HAHAHAHAHA, blackmail!

Monday, February 11, 2008

In Pain, Frustrated, but Hopeful

Ah, was good day!...and frustrating at the same time.

It wasn't so much a formal class or tutorial as it was mass chaos. For one thing, Dave, the coach, a boy who must have been about 8, and I were the only males, but that really came as no surprise.

He started stretching us, and when I tried to do a kip up (you know, what martial artists do to get up when they're on their backs) he made suggestions, and I finally got it! Been wanting to do that for years! Of course, by the time I left, I couldn't do it anymore, and that burns. I had it, then I lost it...just gonna have to get it back again next Sunday.

When it came to doing backbends, K.C. was the best of us because she ahs the most flexible back. I can hold mine, but I can't bridge that high up, and poor Dave didn't even get off the ground this time, but he will.

Then Dave and I started playing around with backflips. When it comes to height, tuck, and form, I've got it, but Dave's got the one thing I haven't that makes his backflips better than mine: GUTS. When there's someone there to spot me, or even just to hold their hand there for me to flip over, I can go right ahead and pop them out all day, but as soon as no one's there, I chicken out, and I just can't psych myself up to it. I think I'll be able to at least try it next week, depending on how sore I still am.

My quads are still aching, and my shoulders are too, but other than that, I guess I feel driven. I had the kip up and lost it, so I have to do better next week. I've got the flip, but I have to be able to commit to it. Once I get the guts for that, I think the next step is the flips off trees and/or walls. The ride's plenty worth the pain!

Friday, February 8, 2008


So! As you may have noticed, I'm going back and forth between backgrounds...and I'm thinking I like it! Thank you all for your votes! Although I think this one's probably going to take up the background most of the time.

Lotsa things gonna be happening! Tomorrow, after I give Cormac back the archery targets, I attend an instructor's seminar, which is almost a "must have" for getting my black collar and becoming a certified instructor. Then on Sunday, after church and a snack, Dave, K.C. and I take out first lessons in gymnastics! This has been something I've wanted to do ever since I was 12! WHEE! After Evan starts paying me, I get to buy a new and better katana. The only things I'm going to have to do after that are remember to keep school in mind, practice shooting, and get more arrows.

I've got other events planned throughout the month, but I think it's going to be a great ride!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Pains and Trials

Well, as you may have noticed, I'm playing around with the background for the header on my blog. I like both this one and the last one, but the last one fits better, but this one isn't elvish. SO! I want everyone to tell me what they think! That includes (but certainly isn't limited to) Lanelle, The Johnsons, Cormac, Josh, Sarah, and whoever else may be reading the blog without me knowing. That's fine, I don't mind, as long as you sign your name and tell me which pic you like more. I expect responses from at LEAST five people, so start voting!

By the way. I sat down to play Halo and watch Mythbusters with Dave, K.C., and Josh, and when I stood up, it hurt. Like I had a cramp in my side from running. Then it went away, then it hurt again this morning, then went away, then it hurt again, and now it's gone. Anyone got any ideas?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I also love storms!

So, this morning I go to class, then I go to the Johnson's...and I don't move from there all day long! Thanks to the storms, both taekwondo and hanbells got cancelled, so I just spent time with more people I love!

The thing I love most about lightning! To my mind, lightning bolts are the closest we as humans will ever get to actually seeing the raw Power of God. Of course, it comes nowhere close to the real thing, but to me, since it's still the most powerful thing in the visible world, it does a lot for me! Think about it! A fast fighter's punch, a quick swordsman's blade, the strike of a snake are all what? "As fast as lightning!" A hard hit makes impact "like a thunderbolt!" If there's anything a warrior aspires to be like physically, it's a thunderstorm! As quick as lightning, as hard as the crack of thunder, and as persistent as a hurricane!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Perfect Memphis Nights!

God, I love Memphis! The weather right from the get-go this morning was terrific, even if I didn't really get to enjoy it completely until after my last class, which ended at 7. But still! I swear, I was reminded of great Summer nights! It was incredible! I actually rolled down my window and opened the sun roof all the way home! I was rockin' out to my iPod and enjoying every moment of speed!

Ok, so this was a bit of a random post, but I just wanted to let everyone know how much I loved the weather!

Btw...anyone interested in an old, slightly chipped katana?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Of the SCA, friends, and archery!

So! Lazy Super Bowl Sunday. Kick off's in roughly 3 hours. Just enough time for me to update and let you guys (however few there are) in on what's been going on.

I hate talking about school, so I won't. Other than that, there was one day when Dave, Mike, Billy and I went disc golfing, which we hadn't done since...gosh, it must have been at least November of last year! We did pretty well, though. Mike and Billy each made aat least one really good tee off, and Mike also had a pair of awesomely aimed long distance putts. I guess it was just his day to rock! We all had a great time, though. There are many things I love doing simply for the fact that I do it with friends. I don't care so much about the sport, though I admit it does help lighten the mood when it's something we all enjoy.

Another thing like that is gaming! Billy's an incredible DM, and Friday's game was one of the best we've ever had! For one thing, everyone was there, including Chris, whose NEVER come to one of our games before! THAT was awesome! We also loved the fact that since we just completed our grand campaign, Billy decided that this game would be the present day! We all played ourselves! Billy had cooked up character sheets as honestly as he could think, and I think he pretty well nailed it on the head. The plot was a zombie attack! We all got to think of what we should do, what would happen, where we would go, and all that. It was over in one evening, but it was a blast!

The next day was Candlemas. This even marked my seven year anniversary in the SCA. It was also Billy's first event, too! I love the fact that he enjoyed himself, especially in dancing! Caedmon is still the best dancer I've ever met!
I taught a class too, this year, but it wasn't so much a class as it was a discussion: "So, You Wanna Be An Outlaw..." There were more people (all grown men, including Billy) there than I ever thought would be, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, going through scenarios and ideas of what life was like once you'd become an outlaw; what skills would come in handy, where and how to live, what would be smart or dumb to do...a good time indeed.

Kolr Bogsveigr came over from Conway, too. He's a close personal friend of mine and many others in Grey Niche, including Their Majesties. He's also the best archer in the Kingdom. In fact, out of 404 archers around the world, he ranks number 35! (I'm number 44, and the second best archer in the least, according to online SCA sources. Incidentally, out of the 43 people who beat me, only about four or five use longbows like me!) Anyway, all bragging aside, (sorry, readers) Kolr gave me a string jig yesterday. It's a specially designed board used for measuring and making a Flemish twist style bowstring the proper length and structure for each individual bow. We're gonna get together again later in the month and make strings and shoot! Gonna be a great time!

Speaking of shooting, Dad and I were able to get in a round around the backyard before the rain started. No broken arrows this time! I still need a heck of a lot more before Gulf Wars (which Billy's coming to heopefully this year!) if I plan on competing in the Grand Exhibition Tourney (which I do! I need to practice more).

This week's forecast: more shooting, some homework, and enough good times to last me the rest of my life!

(By the way, I just found an old post I had written, saved as a draft, and forgotten to post completely! It's up, now, but you have to go back to November to read it. "Return To Us..." or something like that, or close to it. Post on it, if you like. Thanks!)