Saturday, December 15, 2007

"Quotist"-n. Someone who obsesses over the accuracy of the citing of literature, such as movies, books, poems and songs

I'm very much o.c.d. Anyone who's spent any amount of time with me figures that one out pretty easy. I love movies, too. Thus, it stands to reason that one of my trademarks is that when a movie or song is referenced, I prefer it to be done correctly. "If you're gonna quote it, get it right!" The previous post was in response to a question a dear sister of mine asked in her reply to the post before THAT one. The problem is that she never really meant to ask that question. She meant to reference the movie "Enchanted," which we had both seen the previous night. This is where I come to the point of this post! The PROPER quote is "How does SHE know that you love her?"

THIS is a horse of different color! (Wizard of Oz reference.)

Every time I talk to Lanelle, I take the utmost pleasure in reminding her how much I love her. Making her smile makes me smile! I'm no Cyrano, and I'm not any Casanova, but I do my best, and my efforts are usually rewarded with her glow. We have taken to reading through a book together, night by night. "1,001 Ways To Be Romantic" by Gregory Godek. It's worth memorizing! I have to admit, I keep some of the ideas hidden, to save for myself. I have been very inspired by it several times, but there is a book that we read together every night that I think demonstrates our love even better.

We read the Bible together! I found two more favorite books in the Old Testament that have become favorites of mine, now! (Esther and Ruth) To me, the idea of us discussing the Word of God is more loving and affectionate than either one of us can come up with!

1 comment:

firebirdsinger said...

Well, it's nice to know that my simple slip up has afforded you with plenty of posting ideas! Ruth and Esther are dear friends of mine...I love them. I'm glad that you're recognizing the beauty of these books as well. And I'm so glad you read the Bible with Lanelle...that's the mark of a good relationship.